Ultrasound and doppler are technologies used by doctors to detect multiple kinds of pathology in the body including problems in the neck or other body regions and blood flow abnormalities as well. Ultrasound sends out high-frequency sound waves, which reflect off body structures. A computer receives these reflected waves and uses them to create a picture. Unlike with an x-ray or CT scan, there is no ionizing radiation exposure with this test.
Ultrasound has many applications and is used clinically to detect conditions affecting the abdomen, pelvis, neck and often the circulatory system. Doppler ultrasound is often used to evaluate the veins and arteries of the legs. In neurology the most common application is for checking the carotid arteries which provide the majority of the brain’s blood supply.
Ultrasound is available onsite as an integrated service at Northwest Neurology. Like with other integrated services, performing ultrasound onsite is generally less costly for patients, and the images are rapidly available for review. The result is better turn around time, less cost and greater convenience.