Mark Rubin, M.D. is a fellowship-trained, board-certified hospital and vascular neurologist (“neurohospitalist”) with special expertise in neurovascular ultrasound (carotid ultrasonography and transcranial Doppler). He completed medical school at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine and his neurology training – including residency and two fellowships in hospital neurology and vascular neurology – with the Mayo Clinic. He received his training in neurovascular ultrasound at UCLA and Wake Forest University and oversees the inpatient and outpatient neurovascular ultrasound practice with Northwest Neurology. He retains an academic affiliation with the Mayo Clinic as an Assistant Professor, is a regularly invited faculty lecturer for Mayo Clinic and Wake Forest neurovascular ultrasound courses, is a co-chair of the American Society of Neuroimaging Neurosonology certification examination committee, and serves multiple roles in the American Academy of Neurology including a member of the Telemedicine Workgroup and Vice-Chair of the Neurohospitalist Section.